What is Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?
OCD is a commonplace condition that affects approximately 1% of the population. Those with OCD have recurring compulsions, obsessions, or both.

What are Obsessions?
Obsessions are intrusive and undesirable thoughts, images, urges or fears that enter the mind. Common examples include:
- Fears of contamination via bacteria, viruses, dirt, etc.
- Being worried about a door being unlocked, a stove being kept on, causing harm to another person etc.
- Intrusive thoughts or hurting another person, sex, cussing, etc.
- Fear of misbehaving or making an error in judgement
- A meticulous need for organization when arranging something

What are Compulsions?
Compulsions are behaviors that typically follow obsessive thoughts. A compulsion is an attempt to deal with the anxiety that results from the obsession.
Compulsions include praying, counting, cleaning, washing, touching, repeating words quietly, organizing and arranging.

What is OCD Psychotherapy and Counselling?
Psychotherapy and counselling can help you achieve lasting changes when dealing with OCD. During your first session, we create a personalized psychotherapy treatment program that usually incorporates Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT). Our specialists at Mind + Zest help identify triggers of your OCD, which can include familial and relationship issues, workplace dynamics and social situations.
They also create treatment plans that enable you to take control: we help you develop the tools to change your environment into a more manageable one, we interrupt and shift dysfunctional or irrational though patterns and fears, and we promote healthier, more positive patterns of behavior.

How does OCD Therapy at Mind + Zest Work?
We begin with a 15-minute intake session with one of our dedicated intake specialists.
During this session, we will ask you crucial questions to understand the severity of the issues and gauge the treatment approach that will work best:
Do you remember when the obsessive thoughts began?
What symptoms of obsession or compulsion do you suffer from?
How do you currently cope in moments of severe stress?
Can you think of any life situations that might be contributing to the severity of your obsessive thoughts?
We also try to get a good sense of your personality. At Mind + Zest, we want to match you with the therapist that would make the best possible fit based on what you need, and who you are. This consultation is also a great opportunity to address any concerns or questions you may have.
Lastly, we provide you with a personalized ‘plan of action’ that includes a recommended OCD therapist who is best suited to handle your needs, a recommended duration of therapy, and a suggestion for any further testing or psychological service they feel would best help you.
If you suspect you may have OCD, but have never been diagnosed, Mind + Zest has supervising psychologists that can provide the necessary tests. You can book a session with them after your intake appointment to determine whether you suffer from OCD. A formal diagnosis may also be administered if you need it.

Readings on OCD Counselling and Management
Stop Obsessing! by Edna Foa and Reid Wilson (2001)
Brain Lock by Jeffrey M. Schwartz (1997)
A Return to Innocence by Jeffrey M. Schwartz (1998)
We offer a wide range of services at Mind + Zest which include: Therapy for obsessive-compulsive disorder, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with OCD therapists, and OCD and depression management counselling.
If you or someone you know is struggling, don't hesitate to reach out. The Mind + Zest team here to help. Click below and get connected to a therapist as quickly as today!